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Green Caffe Nero

Everything started at a friends' meeting. Gerry Ford and Adam Ringer met at the beginning of 2012 and immediately discovered how much they had in common. They both believe that a real cafe should become a center of local life. It should be a place where a cup of freshly brewed coffee, cosy interior and friendly staff make you feel at home. This is how the cafe chain was created and since 2012 it has been one of the fastest developing cafes in Poland. At cafe Nero, each cup of coffee is based on perfectly composed espresso with a caramel-chocolate aftertaste. Espresso is the basis of our coffee and preparing one is not an easy task. This is why our barristers are trained for many weeks in order to achieve mastery in coffee brewing. Green Caffe Nero also serves fresh, natural food. Our products are supplied by local suppliers. Our baguettes and croissants are baked every day at out cafes and our sandwiches are prepared on site with the use of fresh ingredients only. Our cookies and cakes ale baked basing on traditional bakery's recepies. Our Designer Outlet Warszawa cafe was co-created by Polish artists and artisans: starting with carved wooden counter to handmade metal window frames. We would like our place to be filled with chatter, comfort, relax, warmth and cosiness. We are characteristic by non-pretentious atmosphere that accompanies everyday life.


Green Caffe Nero

Designer Outlet Warszawa
Sklep R7
Puławska 42E
05-500 Piaseczno

+48 514 616 607