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Fashionable, elegant and timeless clothing from the German company Olsen, is quality backed, more than 120 years of brand heritage. We inspire women in more than 20 countries, presenting bestselling and stylish solutions for everyday life. We love fashion, we live it and constantly keep our hand on the pulse of current trends!

Olsen company, every year creates 16 new collections that perfectly harmonize with each other, creating fashionable, matching styles for many seasons. Thanks to, the introduction of a rich assortment, every woman is able to find for herself the perfect, unique clothing regardless of the occasion. Women's clothing from Olsen, is available in a wide range of sizes from 34 to 48, because we want each lady to feel special.

High-quality, reliable products are available in luxury boutiques around the world. Designed in Europe, they perfectly relate to local aesthetics and timeless elegance. Olsen offers denim pants, airy dresses, feminine shirts and luxurious accessories, which when put together create an original and cohesive whole.

This is the perfect place to make yourself or a loved one a stylish gift that delights.



Designer Outlet Warszawa
Sklep W08
Puławska 42E
05-500 Piaseczno

+48 785 657 367