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Designer Outlet Warszawa allows you to save even more with the TAX FREE programme. Find out how to quickly get a tax refund and enjoy shopping at a lower price!

Who is entitled to a tax refund?

Any tourist living permanently outside the European Union who will make a purchase of at least PLN 200 incl. VAT (excluding the purchases with a VAT invoice) may apply for a tax refund. It will be granted if acquired products are transported outside the European Union in their original packaging within 3 months of the purchase date.

How do I get a tax refund?

It is very simple! When you make your purchase, make sure that the shop is a member of the tax free programme. Declare that you wish to use the programme and specify which form of the document you would like to receive (hard copy or electronic). The document will be electronically sent to the border, but remember to have it with you and show it to the customs officer as you leave the country. That is all it takes! The tax refund may be made by an operator providing such services (e.g. Global Blue, Planet). Designer Outlet Warszawa offers the option of collecting the tax refund at a local exchange office. It is your choice whether you prefer to get the money immediately and have them ready for your next purchase or rather withdraw it when you return to your home country.

How will I get the money?

The tax refund can be made in cash or in a non-cash form.