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Paris Optique

Network of 44 optical salons throughout Poland. For over 28 years, a growing number of satisfied customers have been successfully collected, to whom a free eye examination is offered, selection of corrective lenses and corrective and sunglass frames.

A wide range of products allows us to meet the expectations of the most demanding customers. In addition to a wide selection of prescription frames and sunglasses, we also offer top-class eyeglass lenses from leaders in the optical industry such as Hoya, Essilor, JZO, Nikon and Seiko. 

You will find progressive glasses, tinted corrective lenses, reading glasses, driving glasses and much more. It is thanks to such a wide range of products that we are able to provide you with the most modern technological solutions in the world of optics. Take advantage of the offer of our optical salons to experience professionalism from specialists and a high level of customer service.

The goal is to provide you with optimal comfort and perfect vision.

Be calm about your eyesight!


Paris Optique

Designer Outlet Warszawa
Sklep C02
Puławska 42E
05-500 Piaseczno

+48 666 020 074