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Calzedonia Intimissimi Tezenis



Calzedonia is the Group's first, founding brand. Each season, Calzedonia products stand out from the crowd, offering a wide selection, excellent attention to detail and unbeatable value for money.

There is something for everyone in Calzedonia shops: fashionable women's and men's clothing, pyjamas, tights and socks. For the youngest there are colourful tights and socks, and for summer there are swimming costumes and beach towels for everyone. The Calzedonia shop's wide range of products and friendly decor make shopping with the family extremely comfortable.


Founded in 1996, Intimissimi has conquered the lingerie market thanks to its unique attributes such as sensual style and charm, which in a short period of time has allowed the brand to take a leadership position in this sector.

The brand offers fashionable designs that are constantly updated, anticipating seasonal trends and meeting the requirements and desires of every woman.

The extensive product range is characterised by particular attention to quality materials and cuts, both in the basic collection and in more exclusive collections, also offering a wide range of blouses and nightwear.

The recipe for success of the brand is a fashionable product offered at a good value for money.


Tezenis is the Group's youngest brand and it is no coincidence that it stands out from the Group's other brands with its youthful and innovative approach, always mindful of new trends and what's happening on and off social networks: as a brand that is constantly evolving, its advantage lies in keeping up with current times as well as in offering "fast fashion".

The Tezenis shop chain offers a wide range of underwear, pyjamas and homewear products for men, women and children.


Calzedonia Intimissimi Tezenis

Designer Outlet Warszawa
Sklep 077
Puławska 42E
05-500 Piaseczno

+48 669 683 796